Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ripped Pants at Work

Though I am uncertain of the origin of this picture, it is an accurate model of the impromptu passion-play put on by my pants this afternoon…at the office.
Today I was working with several desktops; moving them between our storage area and my desk. As luck would have it, my pants held out until the very last one. The fortuitous part of this escapade is that the moon didn’t rise until I was in my office, so merely closing my door prevented witness of my indignity.
Thus a seam tear through my nether regions interrupted the otherwise pedestrian pants-wearing portion of my day. As I heard the stitches give way with their tell tale rip, I felt the panic rising within me. I immediately fought it down by imagining myself strutting around the office, button-down shirt tucked into my boxer-briefs, pants over one arm like a towel-holding butler, wearing a prince-charming smile with all the confidence it implies. I had the sudden jobicidal urge to do it, but I took a deep breath and pulled myself back from the brink. Invigorating as it might be, I wouldn’t fancy having to explain my actions to the ladies in Human Resources.
The next step was removing my pants to assess the damage. As you can see in that picture (again, not actually me), things didn’t look good. If I had let the rip run its course, my slacks would have transformed into chaps. With the critical eye of a seamstress and the skillful dexterity of a drunken longshoreman with shoe-horns instead of hands, I stapled the new “feature” of my pants shut.
Feature…I can just see the advertisement now… “Tired of using sanitary toilet seats in public restrooms? Does the heat have your crotchtal region sweltering with no relief in sight? Wishing you could catch a surreptitious tan to your junk? Disappointed at the lack of ants in your pants? Consider your leg-based garment woes a thing of the past! In fact, you never need remove these pants again! The last pair of pants you’ll ever buy!”
Having never previously “sewn” together a pair of pants with a stapler made for inch-high stacks of paper, I soon found that my strategy of following the previous seam line was a mistake. The ripped threads were not covered by my work, leaving the rear of the slacks looking decidedly…furry. A second line of staples was soon placed just after the first. Again, these were unusually long staples, but they were all I had. So I pulled out my pliers to try to bend the long barbs away from all possible wayward wanderings of my tender undercarriage.
With a grimace and visions of bicycle-seat-shaped cacti dancing in my head, I played guinea pig to my own creation. Luckily it was a success. I’d post photos, but Google would probably ban me and then contact the FBI. They, in turn, would contact local law enforcement who would likely raid my house and confiscate any and all pants-like objects.
But truly, this was the highlight of my day. In lieu of me running home to change my pants and losing an hour of work time, my boss allowed me to stay on the premises with one caveat: I was not allowed to leave my office. Working in IT, everyone expects that you can be interrupted at a moment’s notice and come running to fix their problem. I got to spend the remainder of the day on the phone, retelling the gruesome story of the wicked rear-ended disembowelment of my wholly innocent and undeserving trousers.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

An Adventure in House Hunting

My wife and I have been looking at property on our own for a year or two now, but never with any help. So, last Saturday we made an appointment at a local real estate office. They had an inhouse lender who took some information from us and quickly calculated a reasonable price ceiling. He then got paperwork together to get us approved for a loan. While we were doing that, the agent was looking up property in the area that would match our range. We then drove around to see the properties. We found one in particular that we fell immediately in love with:

When I was a kid, my family used to rent a cabin in Mammoth, CA with almost the same floorplan as this place. The agent told us that the price had gone down 25% on this one over the last few months, because it wasn't selling. But the yard was impeccable and the interior was great. Needless to say, we were excited. When we compared this property to anything else we saw that day, nothing even came close.

So we put in a bid on it. We soon found out that there were nine other individuals vying for the same property, and that the counter offer we received was out of our league. But I was caught up in the moment and didn't know what to do. Keep in mind, we had never even looked at houses, gotten a loan approval, or placed a bid on a property before.

So I did what any confused person should do. I called someone with more experience. My father immediately saw the situation for what it was: a frenzy. The seller had had to drop the price significantly in order to get some attention for the property. Once they had our attention, they could easily play us off each other to drive the price back up. My mother reminded me the most important and easiest to forget fact of buying a house: it is a business transaction. You can't let your desire become your decision maker.

So we cut our losses and got out. It was a little painful, but we learned more in one day of playing the game than all our days of dreaming and planning.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Getting Wet

I haven't surfed in years. Last weekend I found a nearly new board at a garage sale for a price I couldn't refuse:

I was talking to a friend about it and he reminded me how easy it is to get wet before work.
All day yesterday it was growing on my mind, so this morning I got up at 4:30.
Once it got light enough, I suited up and paddled out past the break.
Just to give you an idea how long it's been since I've hit the water: the first wave that slapped me in the face made me realize that I was still sporting my eye glasses...
Colorful language insued. Here's a shot from the car as I'm pulling out of the parking lot: